Weber Janitorial Supply of Livonia, Michigan
Why, for forty years have residential, commercial and industrial customers purchased their cleaning products from Weber Janitor Supply in metropolitan Detroit?
It starts with SERVICE-SERVICE-SERVICE….., add experience, include a complete line of products, cost effective monthly specials, dynamic promotions, plus FREE DELIVERY* and you have the Weber Janitor Supply formula for business success and customer satisfaction!

Let’s talk about our cornerstone principle, Service – We have our own vehicles so we can deliver when and where you need products - on your schedule and WITH FREE DELIVERY!
We are proud of our forty years of marketplace experience in metropolitan Detroit and have earned our solid reputation as a leader in not only providing products but knowing their features, functions, benefits and cost savings for customers. Why is this important – Because we believe “you get what you pay for”. While price is always an important factor we know from our experience base and knowledge of products that customers need to make informed decisions for cost effective buying decisions necessary to maximize their purchasing value.
We offer FREE delivery to local customers to minimize cost. How’s that for value added service!
We can provide virtually any cleaning product necessary for our diverse customer base. This includes national brands as well as comparable and cost effective generic products. We carry an extensive “on hand” inventory of cleaning products for immediate delivery. Come in and visit our product showroom and customer service center in Livonia, Michigan store open daily for walk-in customers“The Supermarket of Clean”. Click
Each month in an effort to maximize customer value we offer timely, seasonal or new product specials to stretch your cleaning product dollars. Click
Each month we offer buy-in promotions for tickets, dinners, sporting events, etc. to reward our loyal customers for their patronage.
Why not experience the Weber Janitor Supply difference,
where we offer forty years of value added services-everyday!
Weber Janitorial Supply
34040 Glendale St.
Livonia, MI 48150
PH: (734) 425-5740